A different collab of sticks
Simple though, just make a stick fight and try your best to make it good
These are the rules:
- Don't add music/sound effects
- Your shortest your submission can be is 10 seconds
- Must be at least 12 FPS
- Send it to my email as an mp4 or avi file here: cosmicchristv@gmail.com
@seanmartin @Hatena360 @VrickG-Animated @WhateverArts02 @DezeAnanas @RockOnAnimations @stickening @9Sticks @theanimationwheel @Johnny-Nguyen @Dreamimate @Syriusly @MrFrendo @Squarion @mimxanims @SB-Anims @Tinymm @madnessturbo @TMNTSam @RedKing84 @PapoFuradoPA @Whygemini92 @XMorph360 @KodexAnimations @globep @kungfunub @stormfromBRAZIL @Rennis5 @KForilan @XxGoldenEagle @C3WhiteRose @FraserKaye @LinksanDesu @Morks100 @sonicyay2 @alienchao @C-Independent @MateoSanchez @Arjun111 @B-Visorex @narf @chrisbasso @Jaquin58 @Jonarock would you all like to join?
maybe .>.