You say the reason is because my posts are too short.
Since my last ban, I didn't make any short topics, so what gives?
Also, why am I the only one you're constantly stalking to ban? - could be getting banned for the same reason as me - could be getting locked for picture spam like my other thread, but it's not, so mine shouldn't have gotten locked - could be getting banned for the same reason as me - could be getting banned for the same reason as me
@zornuzkull posts shitloads of pictures with his replies and posts, so if he's not getting banned for that, then I shouldn't be either - could be getting banned for the same reason as me, plus he keeps telling people including me to kill themselves
Whenever @SocialistClock doesn't know what to say, he just replies with penis or fuck this thread, he's never been banned for that
Stop just focusing on me and trying to come up with reasons to ban me!
If these guys don't get banned then, I shouldn't be either. If not, then you'd better equally do this to other people who do the same thing!
I'm 15 @TurkeyOnAStick get a life!
I'm still baned from the froum still...