Every month, I do a qna on my youtube channel. youtube.com/c/cosmicchristv
Well its time for this month
Ask away
And if you want a shoutout to your youtube channel, just say so, but you need to ask a question first
Now I shall tag people @Blipsqueek @WhateverArts02 @RockOnAnimations @9Sticks @theanimationwheel @Johnny-Nguyen @Dreamimate @Syriusly @MrFrendo @Squarion @mimxanims @VLSTATICFIRE @Hatena360 @VrickG-Animated @JK-FlipFlop @larrynachos @Lampabot @ldranzer @oldmanorange @Neoslayre @brandon @synthsoda @Jonarock @yurgenburgen @Kayleeee @DoctorStrongbad @Decky @Neko-Oniko @G34R1CS @Joelle @chdonga @zornuzkull @thequietgamer
If you could bang any type of pizza, which would you choose and why?
This is viral marketing for 50 Shades of Pizza.