Here ya go:
Game Dev, Artist, Animator, Musician, Voice Actor, Writer
Age 23, Male
Doin it in da butt
Harford Community College
In the butt
Joined on 1/16/16
Posted by StaticSkull - November 21st, 2016
Every month, I do a qna on my youtube channel.
Well its time for this month
Ask away
And if you want a shoutout to your youtube channel, just say so, but you need to ask a question first
Now I shall tag people @Blipsqueek @WhateverArts02 @RockOnAnimations @9Sticks @theanimationwheel @Johnny-Nguyen @Dreamimate @Syriusly @MrFrendo @Squarion @mimxanims @VLSTATICFIRE @Hatena360 @VrickG-Animated @JK-FlipFlop @larrynachos @Lampabot @ldranzer @oldmanorange @Neoslayre @brandon @synthsoda @Jonarock @yurgenburgen @Kayleeee @DoctorStrongbad @Decky @Neko-Oniko @G34R1CS @Joelle @chdonga @zornuzkull @thequietgamer
Posted by StaticSkull - November 21st, 2016
I found out my biological father died six years ago and I don't remember anything about him. One of my old foster parents who has cancer told me that me and my little brother used to visit my dad a lot. She says my dad worshipped the ground we walked on. My father died of a heart attack due to years of drug abuse. She says i used to make my brother laugh so much. I'm not allowed to see my brother or even write to him, because his parents don't want him to remember me. I found out I have a 2nd brother and the father was Clinton McIntyre. He was the cunt who beat me when I was 2, my brother when he was 1, and my biological mom when she was pregnant with his child. my adoptive Mom won't let me near him anytime soon, so I won't see my 2nd brother either. I can't see any of them. there's one person left, my real mom. and I'm going to see her tomorrow. I'm not sure if I should feel scared or excited... wish me luck...
Posted by StaticSkull - November 16th, 2016
Wanna join?
Click here:
Posted by StaticSkull - November 9th, 2016
I do collabs every month, so since Fandom Collab will be December, this month will be DeviantArt Collab!
These are the rules:
Must parody something you would normally see on DeviantArt (breast expansion, sonic ocs, etc.)
No copyrighted music or material in general
Must be AT LEAST 10 seconds
Send your pieces to my email
Deadline is the end of this month
Posted by StaticSkull - November 6th, 2016
October Q&A video is late, but here it is:
It has questions from @Sadisticaphid60 @luckylighttitan @shaeguy @brandon @kayleeee @broltaire @memefiend4 @daethdrain @ninjamuffin99 @larrynachos @zornuzkull @homicidee and @Joelle
I hope you enjoy
Posted by StaticSkull - November 1st, 2016
All you have to do is create an animation that parodies a fandom.
These are the rules
No nudity unless partial
No copyrighted music or material in general
Must have good quality
Must be AT LEAST 10 seconds
Deadline is by the end of December
Send them to my email
Posted by StaticSkull - October 31st, 2016
Sorry to be late on this, lots of bullshit happened to me in October, so I will have to do it late.
All you have to do is ask me questions!
If you want a shoutout to whatever social media, just lemme know and you'll get it, but you have to ask a question to get it.
Now I shall tag people!
@larrynachos @theanimationwheel @RGPStudios @kkkutegai @Aled1918 @daethdrain @Radekator @Wondermeow @VLStaticFire @Neko-Oniko @Aluis-Santiage-Shiru @blipsqueek @shaeguy @poopmcfarts @luckylighttitan @Kayleeee @jafz3d @broltaire @dman-things @chauder @centaurora @zornuzkull @beakerboy @liamdools @iceburger @jamesbloody @shittingpie @oldmanorange @popfizzy @kittyspy123 @wegra @doctorstrongbad @bit @wkay @ninjamuffin99 @armisseafirst @refreshme @memefiend4 @vinnyy @dookiemallo @brandon @joelle
sorry for the spam, but i need questions quickly
Posted by StaticSkull - October 31st, 2016
Halloween Collab is out now!
See it here:
Onto the next collab
All you have to do is create an animation that parodies a fandom.
These are the rules
No nudity unless partial
No copyrighted music or material in general
Must have good quality
Must be AT LEAST 10 seconds
Deadline is by the end of December
Send them to my email